I knew if I wanted my Mad Max inspired build to look mean, but still have the look of speed, I would need the JConcepts Scalpel Illuzion Speed Run body. I also incorporated JConcepts G-Locs on JConcepts Rulux wheels. Since I was running the Scalpel body I also picked up the JConcepts Traxxas Slash 4x4 Scalpel front bumper conversion kit. Most of the custom pieces are made from Plastruct. The rest of the parts were random parts and pieces I had around my work area. After I got my package in the mail, I jumped right in!
Here are the basics:
JConcepts Illuzion Scalpel body (0240)
JConcepts G-Locs (3056)
JConcepts Rulux wheels (3340)
JConcepts Scalpel Front Bumper Conversion (2173)
Plastruct Pieces

The hardest part of doing a build like this is figuring out what you want to do and where to start. As soon as I had the body on the chassis I started doing some mock ideas. This thing was going to be amazing!

I knew I wanted something in the bed of the truck. I found a faux 50 gallon drum in my parts box and went to work on the cage that would hold it in place.

The next thing I wanted was a fierce looking bumper. Since the actual bumper sits behind the body, I was going to have to make my own. I used some Plastruct sheeting and tubes to custom make a form fitting front bumper. While the glue on the bumper was drying I started working on armor plates for the side windows.

I knew I was going to want some lights on it, so I went ahead and picked up some RPM 3mm Light bars (80782 narrow roof mount, 80982 front bumper mount). I also picked up an RPM rear tire carrier (70502) and a mock intake and blower (73413). I ordered some pre-wired 3mm LEDs on E-bay and I was set.

While all of my Plastruct armor pieces were drying I decided to install the rear tire mount and the mock blower. I decided against using the whole engine as I wanted a very sleek look to the hood. I cut a hole in the body and removed some of the front body mount where I could install a magnet to hold in the blower. This way I can reuse the blower on different cars without the need of screws.

Once the hole for the motor was cut, I went ahead and coated the whole body (including windows) with black Plasti-Dip. I like to use Plasti-Dip as it coats well and is easily removed from the body if need be.

After the body was painted I attached my armor pieces. I decided to add a roll-bar to the rear of the truck to cover the rear tires in the bed and I also made some trim for around the motor.

The final detail is a “fuel” tube that runs from the 50 gallon drum in the bed to a mock gas intake. This was done with aquarium tubing and connectors.

After all of the pieces are secured to the truck and painted black, I give it a little wear and tear using Tamiya Weather Master and some tan Krylon spray paint. This really gives it the look of a worn desert warrior!